Bill & Dave Computer Repair – COVID-19 Response

To view our initial response to COVID-19 and the safety practices we have adopted which are still in use, Click Here. There are also links to other COVID-19 resources.

June 22nd, 2021
September 26th, 2020
July 02, 2020
April 8th, 2020
March 27th, 2020
March 25th, 2020
March 17th, 2020

Submit Service Request Check Repair Status

June 22nd 2021 2:25pm

Repair Depot Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday – 11:00 AM-19:00 PM SUNDAY-CLOSED
Emergency onsite or remote support 24/7/365

We are excited to announce that our repair depot has moved! We are now located in St Laurent Business Court at 2310 St Laurent Blvd, Unit 218, Building 200, Ottawa, ON K1G 5H9
See our new corporate website at

We are still repairing devices as per our new operating hours.

All service is utilizing curbside pickup/drop-off along with our Pickup/Delivery options for those who choose not to come to the shop.

We are always adding products to our website and invite anyone to place an order for curbside pickup or for delivery. If you need a repair, please Submit a Service Request. You can check the status of a current repair at

Bill & Dave Computer Repair Inc. will post all updates on our current operations as well as changes due to the pandemic here on this page.

Please do not hesitate to contact us to see how you can still utilize our broad range of services throughout these times.

September 26th 2020 4:10pm
Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday – 10:30 AM-18:30PM SUNDAY-CLOSED

We are still repairing devices as per our new operating hours.

All services are still utilizing curbside pickup/drop-off along with our Pickup/Delivery options for those who choose not to come down to the shop.

Please note that due to the global pandemic, Bill & Dave Computer Repair Inc has yet to resume opening our doors to the general public. We are still only operating on a curbside basis. This has also allowed us to be more efficient to serve you better!

We are constantly adding products to our website and invite anyone to place an order for curbside pickup or for delivery. If you need a repair, please Submit a Service Request. You can check the status of a current repair at

Bill & Dave Computer Repair Inc. will post all updates on our current operations as well as changes due to the pandemic here on this page.

We also would like again to reiterate that people utilize phone/text/email to speak with us. When you are dropping off devices for curbside pickup, this is not a time for conversation. We are happy to answer questions, however, it must be via phone/text/email.

Please do not hesitate to contact us to see how you can still utilize our broad range of services throughout these times.

July 02, 2020 3:00pm:

Hours of Operation: Monday to Saturday – 11AM-7PM SUNDAY-CLOSED

We are still repairing devices as per our new operating hours.

We have now resumed repairs of non-essential devices such as Music Devices and Game Consoles.
All services are still utilizing curbside service along with our Pickup/Delivery options for those who choose not to come down to the store.

Please note that due to the global pandemic, Bill & Dave Computer Repair Inc has yet to resume opening our doors to the general public. We are still only operating on a curbside basis.

We are constantly adding products to our website and invite anyone to place an order for curbside pickup or for delivery. If you need a repair, please Submit a Service Request. You can check the status of a current repair at

Bill & Dave Computer Repair Inc. will post all updates on our current operations as well as changes due to the pandemic here on this page.

We also would like again to reiterate that people utilize phone/text/email to speak with us. When you are dropping off devices for curbside pickup, this is not a time for conversation. We are happy to answer questions, however, it must be via phone/text/email.

Please do not hesitate to contact us to see how you can still utilize our broad range of services throughout these times.

April 8th, 2020 12:30pm:

This is an update of our Easter Weekend hours.
We will be closed on Good Friday and Easter Sunday and Monday.  We will still be open on Saturday from 11am-7pm

We are still repairing essential devices 6 days a week as per the hours listed below utilizing our curbside drop-off as well as our Pickup/Delivery options.

Bill & Dave Computer Repair would like to wish everyone well and to have a safe Easter. 
If you need assistance with setting up a “Physically Distant” family get-together using technologies and the internet, please contact us and we would be happy to help!

We also would like to ask that people utilize phone/text/email to speak to us.  When you are dropping off devices for curbside pickup, this is not a time for such conversations.

Please do not hesitate to contact us to see how you can still utilize our broad range of services. 

March 27th, 2020 19:00pm:

Effective immediately we will be reducing our hours on weekdays, extending our hours on Saturdays and we will be closed temporarily on Sundays.
Please note that this can change without notice.

Our doors are still closed for public access and all non-essential services are still suspended.

New hours of operations are as follows:

Monday – Friday  |  11:00am – 19:00 (7:00pm)
Saturday  |  11:00am – 19:00 (7:00pm)
Sunday  |  CLOSED

March 25th, 2020 10:00am:

Our doors are still closed for public access. We have been coordinating with clients over the phone and doing drive by pickup and drop-off at our location whilst disinfecting devices on the way in and before they are returned to the customer. Strict Physical Distancing rules have been in place at our location, including lessening the amount of people working and increasing ventilation so we can comply with Physical Distancing of 2-3 meters within our workspace.

Effective Immediately we are suspending all non-essential services. Bill & Dave Computer Repair Inc. will still be supporting all essential services such as but not limited to:

  • Essential Data Center Support – We will still offer hardware onsite support for essential data center services to support essential services within our community. This includes but is not limited to – Hospitals, Government Agencies, Schools and those organizations who support those working from home. Strict measures to protect our staff and clients will be followed.
  • Supporting our clients to work from home – This includes supplying equipment and solutions to assist those working from home and limited onsite support after screenings for both parties safety.
  • Repairs of phones, tablets, desktops, and other devices needed for working from home and for communications – These cases will proceed following our current procedure for pickup/drop-offs or pickup/deliveries including disinfecting these devices incoming and outgoing along with Physical Distancing measures.

We ask that clients have patience as well as understanding throughout this time which is difficult for everyone. We also ask that our screening questions are answered with public safety in mind to help keep our community safe. We can and will still find ways to help if you or a loved one in your household is sick.

Hours of Operation:
Our hours hours of operation will be confirmed on a day by day basis whilst we reduce capacity and work to change our business structure to support essential services throughout this time while keeping our staff and our clients as safe as possible and implement remote work when possible.

All clients are asked to call us. 613-317-1200 | Where possible, remote diagnostics will be completed, and delivery and pickup will be coordinated when needed.

Please call to speak with someone regarding how you can still utilize our services.

March 17th, 2020:
We are temporarily closing our doors for open public access.

Doors will be opened for Drop-off and Pick-up only.  
All payments will be taken over the phone.

All clients are asked to call us. 613-317-1200 | Where possible, remote diagnostics will be completed, and delivery and pickup will be coordinated when needed.

Please call to speak with someone regarding how you can still utilize our services.



Bill & Dave Computer Repair – COVID-19 Response

To our Friends, Clients, Associates and Partners:

We are watching closely as the global situation with COVID-19 continues to evolve. We would like our clients, partners, associates and our community to know what we are doing to manage and combat this or any other infection or virus.

You can find the live numbers of infections, deaths and recoveries around the world here:

Additional Resources:
Public Health Agency of Canada-COVID-19
Province of Ontario – COVID-19
Ottawa Public Health – COVID-19
World Health Organization – COVID-19

The health and safety of our Customers, Team, and Network of Partners continues to be our highest priority.

We have always followed proper sanitary measures, however, over the recent weeks we have adopted the following protocols that help in the support of everyone’s health and wellbeing:

  • Reinforcing standards for health and safety as well as personal hygiene.
  • Working closely within our network to ensure frequent hand washing, using hand sanitizers/disinfectants regularly as well as sanitizing packages and contents when they arrive to our facility.
  • Continual sanitation of all high touch surfaces in our location including door handles, countertops, seats, benches, touchscreens, payment terminals, keyboards and mice before/after every new person’s use.
  • Sanitation of incoming devices, as well as completed repairs prior to being prepared for the client to pick them up.
  • Advanced screening of potential onsite appointments for the safety of our technicians as well as sanitation precautions before using equipment at these locations for mutual protection. 

We also ask that you not come to our location if you:

  • Are experiencing any of the following symptoms (mild or severe):
    • Fever
    • Cough
    • Difficulty breathing/shortness of breath
  • Have traveled to any area with an ongoing spread of COVID-19
  • Live with someone who recently traveled to an area with an ongoing spread of COVID-19
  • Have been in contact with someone known to have COVID-19 or experiencing symptoms similar to the Flu or COVID-19

While these measures help to ensure a sanitary environment and help to prevent a spread of infections, we may decided to take additional measures whilst this situation develops. These additional measures may include and are not limited to:

  • Limiting onsite services in homes. For now, we ask that all clients be open with us when we ask questions. Even if there is someone sick in the household, we can still indeed find a way to help!
  • Requesting onsite residential customers to allow a temperature check by our technicians before entering their premises.
  • Closing our doors to the public if public spread comes to an increased risk as Rideau Street is very busy and we get a lot of walk in traffic.
  • Limiting levels of service we offer in hospitals, schools and medical facilities unless absolutely necessary. If deemed necessary, the utmost of caution will be maintained in each and every case at all times. 
  • Closing all levels of services except remote service entirely. 

Due to the large lists of closures and cancellations already occurring in our city and the growing risk of local transmission along with numerous confirmed cases of COVID-19 already in Ottawa, all further actions will be taken without prior notice. We feel it is necessary to take additional action on our own, before things get worse and put more people at risk. More details will be made available over the next few days on our process and any changes in it along with how you, your friends, family and colleges may still utilize our broad range of services throughout this hard time.

As always, we invite anyone to call, text or email us during business hours and someone will be available to take your call or reply to your email or message inquiries. We will be utilizing technology and remote services for diagnostics as well as supporting people remotely whenever possible. Pickup and delivery of devices needing services can be facilitated. When onsite service or in person contact is needed, the utmost of caution will be maintained in each and every single case.

We are taking these steps to help assist in public safety and to slow the progression of this new virus within our community. Please see our website and further notifications here for updates on our plan to continue doing business as this evolves. Anyone that would like more information sooner can feel free to call or email us requesting this and you will be provided with the information we have to date.

Ottawa, we would like to thank you once again for your continued support, patience and trust!

We are wishing everyone the very best and to stay safe throughout these times as Canada comes together to battle this threat. Thank you for your understanding and willingness to adapt so we can continue to be available as Ottawa needs our technology support and device repairs.

– Bill & Dave Computer Repair Inc.